Nurture • Educate • Train

Positions Available


    **NOTE:  All positions listed as part-time will be combined with other part-time positions in other areas which may not be listed to make a full-time role.  Please reach out to or 870-342-6210 ext 1050 for more information about becoming a full-time worker.  


    • Assistant Boys Dean - (Part Time) **(see note above)
      • Overview: The Assistant Boys Dean provides student life updates to Head Boys' Dean.  Also provides support to students, and operates under the authority of the Head Boys Dean and Principal.


    • Choir Director - piano or strings teacher - (Part Time) **(see note above)
      •  Overview:  The Choir Director will provide vocal instruction to the entire academy student body and to the selected chorale students.  They will also lead and direct the orchestra students in musical instruction.


    • Farm Manager (Full Time, Shared Staff)
      • Overview:  The Farm Manager provides agricultural instruction to students and staff.  Major responsibilities include:  maintaining campus greenhouses, enriching soil to promote healthy plants, ability to problem solve, willingness to instruct teenagers in a Christlike manner, and provide garden updates to the Vocational Supervisor and principal.   
      • Requisites:  A knowledge in organic farming.


    • Food Service Director  (Full Time, Shared Staff)
      • Overview:  The Food Service Director will ensure the availability of meal service (breakfast, lunch and supper) for the student body, staff (who have reserved a time/day), and potential guests who are visiting the campus.
      • Requisites:  A knowledge in plant-based cooking for large groups.  Person needs to have strong organizational skills.


    • Marketing/Media Director (Shared Staff)
      • Overview:  The Marketing/Media Director will  run the livestream, manage all marketing needs (videos, social media, and flyers), and website updates.



    **All positions listed as part-time will be combined with part-time positions in other areas, which may not be listed, to make a full-time role.  Please reach out to or 870-342-6210 ext 1050 for more information about becoming a full-time worker. 


      • Short Term Availability:
        • Appliance Repair Personnel:  Needs knowledge in repairing the following appliances:
          • Washers
          • Dryers
          • Refrigerators

      If you are interested in any of the listed positions, please complete our online application. If you prefer, you may download and complete our paper application. For more information, call us at 870-342 6210, or email us here.

      Ouachita Hills Academy is one of two Ouachita Ministries, Inc.'s organizations whose mission is to provide a Christ-centered, character-oriented education that equips students to be active soul winners for God. As a religious organization, we are looking for Seventh-day Adventist employees who understand and are committed to the SDA mission and its counsel on Christian education.

      We encourage you to push your skills to the limit as you tackle the challenge of awakening young minds to the reality of their worth in Christ. Come connect with students who are eager to serve God. You'll discover that you will thrive in an environment where true education isn't just talked about, it's lived.